Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Fabija
+ 1.1. The car description
+ 2. The engine
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. The power supply system
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
- 7. Transmission and a running gear
   + 7.1. A transmission
   - 7.2. A forward suspension bracket
      7.2.1. Removal and installation of a telescopic rack
      7.2.2. Repair of a telescopic rack
      7.2.3. Replacement of a spherical support
      7.2.4. Removal and installation of the lever of a forward suspension bracket
      7.2.5. Removal and installation of an arm of a forward suspension bracket
      7.2.6. Replacement резинометаллической support
      7.2.7. Removal and installation of the stabilizer of cross-section stability
   + 7.3. A back suspension bracket
+ 8. A steering
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. An electric equipment
+ 11. A body
+ 12. Electroschemes

Колики у новорожденных причины профилактика лечение

7.2.4. Removal and installation of the lever of a forward suspension bracket

The prevention

At installation of the lever of a forward suspension bracket it is necessary to take advantage of a new bolt of fastening of the lever to a beam.

At damage резинометаллического the lever hinge replace the lever in gathering with the hinge.

Lever fastening to a beam of a forward suspension bracket

1 – a bolt;

2 – the lever;

3 – a beam of a forward suspension bracket

Removal of the lever of a forward suspension bracket

1 – an assembly shovel;

2 – резинометаллическая a support;

3 – the lever;

4 – резинометаллический the hinge;

5 – a beam of a forward suspension bracket

1. Ослабьте an inhaling of bolts 9 (fig. of the Detail of a forward suspension bracket see) fastenings of a corresponding wheel.
2. Turn away a nut of 10 naves.
3. Raise and establish on reliable support a forward part of the car.
4. Remove a forward wheel, definitively having turned away bolts of its fastening.
5. Mark position of bolts 2 (fig. Fastening of a spherical support see) fastenings of the spherical hinge on the lever of 1 suspension bracket, having led round contours of heads of bolts. It will help to keep approximately after assemblage corners of installation of wheels. Turn away bolts of 2 fastenings of a spherical support 3 to the lever.
6. By means of a special stripper 1 (fig. of Vypressovka шлицевого a tip of an external SHRUS from a nave see) выпрессуйте шлицевый a tip of an external SHRUS from a nave of 2 wheels. In the absence of a stripper it can be made hammer blows through the wooden prorate on an end face шлицевого a tip. Suspend by means of a wire a wheel drive to a body.
7. Having shifted a rack 2 (subsection 7.2.3 see) on itself, establish between it and a body the wooden prorate 1.
8. Turn away a bolt 1 (fig. lever Fastening to a beam of a forward suspension bracket see) fastenings of the lever 2 to a beam 3 forward suspension brackets.
9. Put forward an eye with the hinge 4 (fig. Removal of the lever of a forward suspension bracket see) lever 3 of a beam 5 (not to damage резинометаллическую a support 2) and by means of an assembly shovel 1 выпрессуйте an axis of the lever from резинометаллической support 2 arms of a suspension bracket.
10. Grease an axis of the lever with 3 graphite greasing.
11. Insert a lever axis in шестигранное an aperture резинометаллической support (subsection 7.2.5 see), if necessary it is possible to take advantage of an assembly shovel. Be convinced that the axis enters into an aperture without backlashes, i.e. is not turned in it. Otherwise it is necessary to replace the hinge (subsection 7.2.6) see.
12. Screw a new bolt of fastening of the lever to a beam of a forward suspension bracket.
13. Collect a forward suspension bracket upside-down. Carving connections of a suspension bracket definitively tighten on the car standing on the earth.

The inhaling moments, Нм

Nut of a nave of a wheel
Bolts of fastening of the spherical hinge to the suspension bracket lever
20, then to tighten on 90
Bolt of fastening of the lever to a beam of a forward suspension bracket
70, then to tighten on 90
Bolts of fastening of a wheel